UltraGuard Flea And Tick Treatment Drops For Dogs And Puppies

  • Fleas
  • Ticks
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Product Description

UltraGuard Flea And Tick Treatment Drops For Dogs And Puppies : Product Description

How to control flea and tick?

Periodically wash carpets and mats to prevent further infestations. The houses must be cleaned at least once a week, with the aid of a vacuum cleaner. In this way, dust accumulation on carpets, tacos, and other environments is avoided.

Discard the vacuum cleaner filter after cleaning, as flea larvae may hatch from the eggs collected by the vacuum cleaner, or adult fleas may emerge from their pupae and re-infest the environment.

What flea and tick control?

Ticks and fleas are two of the most common problems among dogs and cats, but they are also as worrisome as any other disease or health risk for animals in general, so they need care not to get worse and cause other problems.

Fleas reproduce very quickly, are difficult to exterminate from the dog or cat, and if not discovered early on (when animals start to itch a lot), they can make flea treatment even more difficult.

Flea infestations affect the lives of our animals, and they can cause problems ranging from loss of appetite (and weight) to infection by worms such as canine dyshidrosis, caused by Pyridium caninum, which can lead to diarrhea with traces of blood and, in more severe cases, convulsive attacks. Invariably when they are affected, we are uncomfortable. In cases where the situation gets a little out of control, it may be necessary to take a more drastic step.

When to start flea and tick control?

When bitten by fleas, they may respond to flea saliva and cause allergic symptoms. In the case of humans, a strong allergic reaction may occur, causing symptoms such as blisters, redness, and itching, and secondary infections may also occur due to scratching.

If your pet has lesions due to the itchiness, he feels or has any other apparent skin problem, consults the veterinarian before applying any flea product to the dog or cat. In addition to the anti-flea, the veterinarian must prescribe a dewormer in the case of infestations, as the flea usually passes to the pet worms that cause diseases such as anemia.