Hartz Flea & Tick Shampoos and Sprays

  • Fresh-scented spray kills fleas and ticks through contact
  • Includes an 8 ounce spray bottle
  • Can be used weekly for preventative treatment
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Product Description

Hartz Flea & Tick Shampoos and Sprays : Product Description

How to control flea and tick?

Always place a clean towel where your pet sleeps and wash it once a week. This is the best way to prevent a flea infestation because the eggs that are deposited on the host fall into the environment. In this way, the eggs are periodically discarded.

If the floor of the house is made of planks or boards, all existing openings must be caulked, as they can serve as a shelter for fleas in the environment. Periodic hygiene of domestic animals and maintenance of adequate coexistence in social housing must be maintained.

What flea and tick control?

Most fleas and ticks do not live in the hosts, but in the environments where these animals are found. Both fleas and ticks need their hosts to feed on their blood and end up transmitting diseases. However, they will breed in the environment in which these animals live and lay their eggs in crevices of sofas, mattresses, sheets, blankets, walls, lawns, etc.

Although pets are more susceptible to contamination (INFESTATION), we are also subject to suffering from these ectoparasites. They usually cause itching, dermatitis, localized infections, and some more serious illnesses. Therefore, in addition to taking care of our pets, we need to take care of the environment in which they live, as this is where the entire cycle of new fleas and ticks occurs. And therein lies the danger.

There are several products for sale that fight fleas and ticks. However, their misuse can harm our health and, especially our pets.

When to start flea and tick control?

When bitten by fleas, they may respond to flea saliva and cause allergic symptoms. In the case of humans, a strong allergic reaction may occur, causing symptoms such as blisters, redness, and itching, and secondary infections may also occur due to scratching.

If your pet has lesions due to the itchiness, he feels or has any other apparent skin problem, consults the veterinarian before applying any flea product to the dog or cat. In addition to the anti-flea, the veterinarian must prescribe a dewormer in the case of infestations, as the flea usually passes to the pet worms that cause diseases such as anemia.